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Terms & Conditions

  1. 搬遷前客人請自行購買保險。

  2. 客人有責任提供清楚的舊址、新址、屋苑停車場 上落貨時間、禁區、樓梯、平台轉lift、推路等有關資料。

  3. 搬遷前客人必須清走所有傢俬內的物品;執拾好雜物;否則本公司有權更改搬遷時問或徵收代客入 箱費用。臨時代客入箱費:每工人每小時三佰元,最低消費一小時。

  4. 雲石/雕刻品/古董等須另加特別包裝費。

  5. 包裝費:所有傢俬電器以綑膜免費包裹。紅白藍袋、膠箱、皮喼及紙箱每個重量不超過25kg為限, 若超出;每件加收HK$45。

  6. 樓梯費:若屋苑須經過平台路程超過20米才可轉電梯上樓、短樓梯五級當一層、長樓梯九級當一層; 須另行收推路費或/及樓梯費,每層/20米為單價 30%.;鋼琴、魚缸或其他重型傢俬另議。

  7. 停車場及隧道費(雙程計算)用由客人支付。

  8. 以上搬運過程中若有任何破損,最高賠償額為三佰圓。

  9. 如客人需要更改搬遷日期,請於五日前通知,否則另收行政費用二千圓正,以補償本公司之損失。

  10. 若客人儲存物品於本公司倉庫,須於第一次搬運即入倉時繳付來回運費。一般情況,倉租先繳交 一個月;於出倉前先付清倉租,公司會在客人指示 的日期將物品送回給客人。

  11. 客人若更改任何聯絡電話或電郵,請立即通知 本公司。如在租約到期後一星期內,客人仍未表示續租約或提走閣下之物品,即台端表示放棄存放在 倉庫內之物件,本公司將自行處理而不作任何通知; 一切訴訟、恕不受理。

  12. 當惡劣天氣情況,如雷雨、颱風懸掛或黑色暴雨警告開始生效,搬運服務將有機會暫停。搬運時間將另行安排。 

  1. We suggest our customer to cover household insurance before the removal. 

  2. Please provide important info. such as full address of present & future home, loading time, restriction area, any stairs/ platfiorm, etc. 

  3. All the content inside furniture must be taken out before removal, otherwise, packing fee charged for each labor, per hour $300 will be imposed. 

  4. Extra 50% charged for Marble/sculpture /antique . 

  5. Over-weight Charge: HK$45 each will be charged if the weight of each nylon bag, suitcase, plastic box, carton box is over 25kg.

  6. Stair Fee: Moving charge will be increased by removal complexity, such as no lift, need to go through a long platform then reach the lift, furniture unable to fit into the lift and move from stair; using rope to lift up furniture from ground floor,. Pull fee : 20 meters 30%; stair fee each block 30 % (Every 9 steps as one block). 

  7. All tunnel fee (round trips) and parking fee are claimed by actual basis. 

  8. Any demage made from our company during the removal, the mazimium claims for customer will be HK$300.  

  9. If customer need to re-schedule the moving date after confirmation is made, please give 5 days prior notice. if not, HK$2000 will be charged for admin & compensation fee. 

  10. For customer using our storage services, round trips transportation fee and one month storage fee should be paid on the first move. Your belongings will be delievered to you on your appointed date after you settle all the over-due payment. 

  11. Please keep us informed if you have change your contact number or email. If you do not take back your belongings or renew the leasing contract with our company, that is, you forgone all the right of your belongings. We will throw away all your stuff without prior notice, and this act will not subject to any legal claims. 

  12. Deliveries will be suspended if a typhoon signal is hoisted, a black rainstorm warning is in effect, or ferry services are suspended due to bad weather. Moving schedule will be re-arranged. 

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